Spotted Seatrout

Cynoscion nebulosus

Spotted seatrout are found throughout Florida's coastal waters and bays, often staying in the same estuary for life. Healthy seagrass beds are essential habitat for this ambush feeder. The optimal temperatures for spotted seatrout are between 69° - 80°F. They will seek out cooler(deeper) water when it is warmer than 88°. Likewise, when the water is colder, they may hold in deeper channels or holes where the water may be warmer. They may die at temperatures below 48 degrees. Spotted seatrout can withstand a wide range of salinities and are happiest when salinity is between 15 - 35 psu.

Spotted seatrout can withstand a wide range of salinities and are happiest when salinity is between 15 - 35 psu.

Click here for current fishing regulations.


The optimal temperature that spotted seatrout prefer is between 68 - 78 degrees. They will seek out cooler water when it is warmer than 88 degrees and may die below 48 degrees.

Click here for current fishing regulations.