SCCF Recon

The River, Estuary and Coastal Observing Network

Sanibel -Captiva Conservation Foundation

Gulf of Mexico Piling

Published: Feb 20 2020

February 2020

On February 19th, 2020 between 2:00 and 3:00 in the afternoon the piling the Gulf of Mexico RECON sensor is located on was struck by a boat and damaged. The piling was push over 15 - 20 degrees. The piling cap was dislodged and knocked into the water.  All of the RECON components on the top of the piling were destroyed. This included the solar panel, power system, modem, and all the meteorological sensors. GOM wathr




The Wave Sensor is back online. We are still waiting on some of the water quality sensors to be returned from the manufacturer after being sent in for yearly service. We will get those sensors back online as soon as we can.



The metrological half of the station is back online. We are still waiting on some of the water quality sensors to be returned from the manufacturer after being sent in for yearly service. We will get those sensors back online as soon as we can.



The piling has been replaced by the Coast Guard. The new piling cap is a significantly different design than the previous one. The mounting system for our equipment must be redesigned to work with this new piling cap. We are in the process of designing, ordering the necessary parts, and fabricating the new mounting system. We are working to get the site back online as soon as possible, however there is a significant amount of work required. We are sorry for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. 



Due to Covid-19 issues the Vise was unable to make it last week.



The Coast Guard Cutter Vise is scheduled to make another attempt at fixing the piling.



The Coast Guard Cutter Vise attempted to right the piling but was unsuccessful. The weather condition deteriorated so they force to leave. They will return at another time.